Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Argentina Christmas

Here we are in Argentina for Christmas. I've been workig on the self-photo skills and they are starting to pay off. It always helps to have a good looking lady in the picture :)
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Anonymous said...

did you notice that your shirts even match the website colors? :)
you two are too cute!
it's exciting that you're getting to venture back to Argentina!
maybe I can see you one last time ...

Anhela said...

i still remember when your Argentina trip was still far far away, 2 years far away, now it's here! I will miss you both so much. i'll be coming down sometime in 2008....have my room ready!

Los quiero mucho!

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris & Flor,

... waiting on your next post ...

you gotta check out this video:
Napolean Dynamite & David Crowder

Anonymous said...

What a handsome young man. His mother must be very proud of him.

Mrs. Robert W. Young, Jr.

Migue , Martha y su combo said...

hey Chris y Flor; amigos que alegria lo de Valentina; los quiero mucho y estan en nuestra oraciones...ojala algun dia podamos visistarlos....

Anonymous said...

Flor, I just looked through all the photos of Vale...what a cutie...I hope you are so well and are enjoyijng every minute! Fun to see all the pics of you, your friends and family, too...We miss you!! Love, ains

Anonymous said...

Chris y Flor Que bonita labor estan haciendo ustedes por alla. Cuando Gracias por su inspiracion y que Dios los bendiga